Microneedling is a great option when it comes to skin rejuvenation treatment because it is able to help improve the skin's surface by reducing fine lines, expression lines, enlarged pores, wrinkles, and scars from acne.
The treatment relies on making use of the skin's natural ability to heal itself when it encounters injuries like cuts, burns, and abrasions.
How does it work?
The microneedling device moves across your skin creating pinpoint punctures which the body then recognises as a 'mini injury'. As a result the body then releases a cascade of growth factors which triggers collagen synthesis.
Note: It is also able to stimulate collagen formation and provides a way for topical serums to be absorbed through the surface of the skin.
What to expect when getting the treatment done? :
- Immediately after, your skin will appear red like sunburn, this will generally subside after 2-3 hours and a slightly pink hue maybe visible for the next few days.
- The skin can appear rough and may take between 2-7 days for the new skin to replace the old skin by letting it flake off.
- Less downtime.
- A short term inflammatory effect on the skin.
- Rejuvenated, visibly renewed and softer skin.